Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology MSc

General information

Since the start of the International Master Course on Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in 2008, the scientific community and the industry around Halle has significantly developed also to the field of Industrial Biotechnology.  Motivated by this development, the Faculty of Sciences I - Biosciences  of the Martin Luther University has decided to offer a specialized  education in this emerging field of biotechnology.

The new  International Master Course on Pharmaceutical and Industrial  Biotechnology will enroll students in the winter term 2016/2017  (starting from October 1st) for the first time.

The existing  master course has slightly been modified. Now, besides central modules  mandatory for both fields of specialization (80 credit points), modules  on either pharmaceutical biotechnology (40 credit points) or industrial  biotechnology (40 credit points) are offered.

The future of  biotechnology promises many advances in drugs (including polypeptides,  proteins, viruses, DNA and antibiotics) and drug delivery systems as  well in chemicals produced from renewable resources.

The field  of specialization „Pharmaceutical Biotechnology“  in the master course covers all relevant aspects for the development of  new biotechnology based drugs, starting from of drug target  identification over up- and downstream processing till formulation. It  also provides a basis for understanding the mechanisms and process  involved in diseases.

The field of specialization "Industrial Biotechnology"   in the master course covers all relevant aspects on the development of  new industrial biotechnological processes, starting from access to and  pretreatment of renewable resources over up- and downstream processing  till application and process optimization. Biocatalysis, synthetic and  systems biology and metabolic engineering will be covered during the  classes.

In order to assure high quality of teaching especially in  the labs, an equal numbers of students in the two areas of  specialization is necessary. This equal number will be achieved by  distributing the students randomly to the two areas of specialization.  The board of examiners is responsible for the distribution. The chance  to be selected for one area of specialization is 50%. There is the  possibility to change with another student from the other area on a  bilateral agreement.

So please be aware, that you will be studing  either industrial biotechnology or pharmaceutical biotechnology as an  area of specialization.

The M.Sc. program in  Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology is specially designed for  undergraduates to obtain an internationally recognized degree by giving  them the necessary knowledge, capabilities and methods in a way to  enable them to scientific work, critical evaluation of scientific  results and responsible action. You will mainly extend your practical  and methodical experience

After successful completion of the  Master examination, the Faculty of Sciences I – Biosciences at Martin  Luther University awards the academic degree Master of Science (MSc.)

General information on the International Master Course on Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology at MLU
General Info PhInBT V14 2020.pdf (333.9 KB)  vom 02.06.2020

Detailed curriculum of the Master Course on Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology
Curriculum PhInBT 2023_2024.pdf (165 KB)  vom 14.07.2023

Manual of the modules of the master course Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Manual of Modules English WS 2023_2024.pdf (828.9 KB)  vom 14.07.2023

The initial weekly time schedule for the current or next semester is available here:

Also, the complete list of lectures can be downloaded (see pdf-file)

Attention: This plan is not updated during the semester!!!   Please refer to the information provided by the lecturers via stud-ip,  if there are any changes made to the initial time schedule.
4E-Time schedule PhInBT SuSe 2024 03 25.pdf (90.7 KB)  vom 25.03.2024

Time schedule PhInBT WiSe 2023_2024  FINAL.pdf (130.3 KB)  vom 05.10.2023

Overview on courses and exams
Overview Modules and Exams 2023_2024.pdf (365 KB)  vom 14.07.2023
