Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Dear students,

below you will find important files for the organization of the running courses.

Most important for the "freshmen" is

  1. the registration to the modules (deadline Nov 30th)

Information about the recent time schedule you can access via Stud-ip:

Most lectures will take place at the following location:

Hoher Weg 8, 06120 Halle (Saale),

Part B (Pharmacy Building)

Seminar rooms 101 or 107 (first floor)

Contract on Equipment
Contract on Equipment PhInBT 2024_2025.pdf (58.9 KB)  vom 28.09.2024

Advice for registration to modules and examinations and other IMPORTANT Informations/Deadlines
IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS PhInBT V05.pdf (66.9 KB)  vom 12.09.2023
